Do you want to fast-track your induction process?
Common myths you need to know about Care Certificate
Voluntary Organisations Disabilities Group (VODG)
New Welsh induction framework e-learning launched
Why 2018 is shaping up to be a great year
The same old actions deliver the same old results
EdgeWorks™ successful in application to join Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) main provider list for delivery of Apprenticeships
Are you still “guesstimating” your employee compliance?
Care Apprenticeship End Point Assessments (EPA)
Awarding Organisations (AO’s) view on the Care Certificate
EdgeWorks™ approved to deliver apprenticeships
New “controversial” contracts issued to employers
The number 1 question clients ask
A third of care providers could be putting vulnerable people at risk due to lack of skills and poor training
FitzRoy chooses Care Academy
How to have your cake, and eat it too!
Feeling bamboozled by the Care Certificate? You’re not alone
Care Certificate observation toolkit now available
Care Certificate update
FELTAG: Are you ready to meet the challenge?