Following the successful launch of our Learning Disability Qualification – Induction Award (LDQ-IA) Care Academy is now available to established training providers as a ‘White’ label solution.
Training providers can now become part of one of the UK’s leading e-learning communities and gain access to our innovative range of learning technologies. We currently provide on-line learning and assessment materials to over 25,000 users including Common Induction Standards for adults and children’s services, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA), Safe Food Hygiene and we are the only provider of a City and Guilds accredited on-line LDQ-IA qualification. We are also currently working on a number of specialist courses which include ‘End of Life‘, ‘Understanding Dementia‘ and ‘Nutrition and Well-Being‘.
By signing-up as a Care Academy partner, training organisations will be able to deliver a wide range of courses including our unique LDQ-IA. This scarce, yet highly sought after qualification is delivered entirely online, including learning content, assignments and assessor feedback, making it a very cost-effective option.
We are currently receiving enquiries from individuals and care organisations throughout the UK looking to identify providers of LDQ-IA and we will be happy to pass these onto our registered ‘White Label’ training partners. To-date we have received enquiries totalling in excess of 5,000 qualifications!
To help our training partners get the most out of Care Academy, we are also currently developing an NVQ ToolKit which combines our learning content, NVQ knowledge assessments and our Accredited Prior Learning (APL) tool to streamline candidate assessment and portfolio building tasks.
Care Academy is currently in discussions with many leading Health and Social Care training providers including; Colleges and Universities, Local Authorities, Care Partnerships and private training providers and aims to be the number one choice for technology enabled learning.
If you wish to become part of this exciting phase of development and really move your training provision forward, please contact us or download further details here.