Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC) induction standards


The induction standards from CWDC set out the knowledge, skills and understanding which are essential to improving outcomes for children, young people and their families. Most services induct new staff and it is recommended that all those working in children’s services should do so.

Induction is your first step along a journey of developing your professional skills and understanding your role. Workplace induction is a planned programme of activities to prepare and orient new staff to the workplace.


Based on the Children, Young People and Families Workforce Development Council (CWDC) Induction Standards, this e-learning programme sets out the first things you need to know for your work in providing care or support to children and young people, whatever their needs may be.

Optional screening assessments allow individuals who can demonstrate prior knowledge to “fast track” their induction.

Topics Covered

  • Understand the principles and values essential for working with children and young people.
  • Understand your role as a worker.
  • Understand health and safety requirements.
  • Know how to communicate effectively.
  • Understand the development of children and young people.
  • Safeguard children.
  • Develop yourself.
Average time to complete e-learning and assessments icon

Duration 20 hours

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14 eLearning modules

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13 online assessments

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Online learner support

Certifcate on completion icon

Certificate available on completion

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