SCW Registration


The course enables Welsh Social Care employers to quickly and easily meet the requirements for registering new staff via the ‘employer assessment’ route.


By completing this micro-learning course learners will be able demonstrate their understanding.

Our learning platform Care Academy, automatically produces the required employer assessment evidence log which can be downloaded, allowing managers to submit their documents to Social Care Wales with confidence, making it really simple to complete the registration endorsement.

Learner’s then complete the All Wales Induction Framework.

Topics Covered

  • the Code of Professional Practice for Social Care.
  • the principles of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
  • how to work in ways that embed rights-based and person/child-centred approaches in day to day practice.
  • how to promote and respect equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • how to use a range of communication methods and adapt communication approaches.
  • the importance of the Welsh language, culture and identity for those they are supporting.
  • how the worker’s beliefs, values and own experiences can affect their attitude and behaviour, and how this can affect others
    how to promote and support the safeguarding of individuals.
Average time to complete e-learning and assessments icon

Duration 40 minutes

e-learning content icon

1 e-learning module

Course assessments icon

1 online assessment

Learner support icon

Online learner support

Certifcate on completion icon

Certificate available on completion

Reports icon

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