Centre Statement
EDGEWORKS attaches great importance to learning and development which supports the achievement of its aim and objectives and reflects its commitment to lifelong learning.
The EDGEWORKS Centre has a ‘Centre Manager’ who is responsible for the overall quality assurance of the centre and a QAC who co-ordinates the activity of all Internal Verifiers, Assessors and Learners.
The aim of the EDGEWORKS Centre is:
- To establish a centre of excellence in accordance with the requirements of the S/NVQ Code of Practice (QCA 2006). This has been superseded by awarding organisation guidance but we remain committed to the core principles. We also work within The Regulatory Arrangements for Qualifications and Credit Framework (Ofqual)
- Ensure that the highest quality of Training and Assessment is afforded upon our client base and to ensure that Standards of Training and Assessment practice are of the highest quality achievable.
- Be flexible in line with client demand.
- Our objectives will be achieved by:
- Ensuring equality of opportunity to all staff to continuously develop and aspire to achieve their desired job function.
- Ensuring the Centre has a sufficient number of qualified assessors and internal verifiers to support the activity of the Centre
- Utilising high quality contract individuals to meet the fluctuating requirements of workload. Supporting these individuals in their Continuing professional development by offering inclusion in all EDGEWORKS training programmes.
- Ensuring attendance at regular assessor and Internal Quality Assurance Team meetings to discuss best practice in assessment and ensure standardisation and consistency in the interpretation and delivery of standards and assessment decisions
- Arranging training and ongoing support for staff who wish to achieve relevant qualifications, including Level 3 assessing or Level 3 Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector (PTLLS), where the business deems this necessary.
- Providing adequate resources in terms of equipment, accommodation and Centre approved documentation.
- Ensuring all members of the assessment team have opportunities to identify and develop their training needs through a variety of methods.
Document control of centre aims, policy and strategy
The Centre Manager / Qualification Administration Co-ordinator will:
- Update relevant procedures to meet the Awarding Organisation requirements for their relative area of learning.
- Issue copies of all relevant procedures and assessment forms to assessors / Tutors/ Personal advancement advisors / Internal Verifiers.
- On a six-monthly basis, review with the Internal Quality assurance team, all current procedures and documentation to ensure that they are effective and in line with current Awarding Organisation and Centre requirements. Any resulting decisions regarding changes should be recorded and passed on.
- On an annual basis, review and evaluate with the Internal Quality Assurance team, all current procedures and documentation, including any information from previous reviews, according to the Centre’s evaluation policy.
- Where any procedure, form or record is updated or amended, ensure that all assessors are familiar with these changes that a copy of all relevant updated or amended procedures, forms or records are issued to each assessor.
- Ensure that sampling and other methods of internal Quality assurance provide evidence that all assessment staff are complying with procedures and policies.
- Ensure that all documentation / electronic information in relation to assessment and internal Quality assurance is stored securely and made available only to appropriate personnel.
- Ensure that any material changes which affect the assessment or internal quality assurance of the qualification are notified to the Awarding organisation, for example, staff changes (The Awarding organisation must be informed prior to commencing staff member commencing in the role, for validation of occupational competence and nationally accredited assessor and internal verifier award achievement. Copies of the CV and relevant certificates must be forwarded to the Awarding organisation external verifier).
- Maintain records of Certification of Learners which shall be retained securely for a minimum period of 6 years
- Record and maintain copies of Induction records of all Assessors
- Record and evaluate all Continuous professional development events that are delivered by the company.