Centre Structure
Roles and responsibilities
Head of Centre
Responsible for:
- Business Plan.
- Marketing Strategy.
- Liaison between Centre – Technology Team – External Consultant.
- Contract Management / Recruitment.
- Sales Strategy.
- Day 2 day running of the Centre.
- Ensure there are sufficient qualified and occupationally competent assessors.
- Ensure that documentation meets Awarding Body requirements.
- Liaison with awarding organisation – accounts and administration.
- Sales / Client / Account Management.
- Internal and external reporting.
- Ensure that training needs of centre staff are identified and that provision is made to meet those needs.
Centre Administrator
Responsible for:
- Set up of learner user accounts / induction packs.
- Management of individual learner contracts.
- Help desk support (technical / usability level).
- Maintain centre records about assessors’ details and learners’ progress.
- Assessor / Internal Verifier task assignment.
- Inform the awarding organisation of changes to Centre staff.
Internal Verifier (IV)
The co-ordinating Verifier will be the main point of contact for the company and will have overall responsibility for the qualification Delivery Team and internal quality assurance. They will be a highly experienced member of staff, with substantial experience of Centre administration, and a management qualification.
In addition, the Co-ordinating Verifier will be a qualified Assessor, an experienced and qualified Internal Verifier, and will have a care/ child care vocational qualification appropriate to the level and role at which they will be working.
The Co-ordinating verifier will have sufficient standing within the Company to gain access to and request financial and human resources, thereby maintaining the quality assurance of the qualification.
- Manages staff within their occupational area.
- Conducts Standardisation meetings and reviews with staff.
- Liaises with Centre Manager for the initial recruitment of potential new Assessors.
- Complete Complaints and Appeals process as indicated by Centre Manager
- Continuously improves provision in line with National standards.
- Ensures that all completions are administered correctly.
- Ensure effective operation of the appeals process.
- Ensure that the Equal Opportunities and Access policy is applied to all aspects of centre ordination.
- Ensuring that assessors are competent in the theory and practice of competence-based vocational qualifications.
- Ensuring continuous professional development records are maintained by the team.
- Providing feedback to the External Verifier, via Centre Manager on the effectiveness of assessment.
- Ensuring that action points agreed with the Awarding Body External Verifier are implemented.
- Evaluate and develop all centre systems, materials and documentation in conjunction with Centre Manager.
- Ensuring that all appropriate assessment and quality assurance documentation, records and personnel are available for the External Verifier visit.
- Maintain good communication links with centre staff.
- Keep information confidential and secure.
- Providing support and advice to assessors and other staff involved with the learner’s development.
- Ensuring assessors are applying the qualification requirements by observing practice, sampling assessment and internally verifying assessment decisions.
- Providing prompt feedback to assessors.
- Taking part in standardisation exercises to ensure consistency of own practice and judgements with other internal verifiers.
- Contributing to the evaluation of assessment and quality assurance procedures, incorporating feedback from “Learner voice” and learner reviews.
- Monitoring and reviewing learners’ achievements in relation to access to fair assessment.
- Arranging the checking and countersigning process.
- Completing and signing the Certification Record Forms prior to submission to the Awarding Body.
- Ensuring that the Centre’s Quality Assurance Policy and Procedures are consistently implemented.
- Managing and sampling online assessments for knowledge only units.
Technology Team
Responsible for:
- Development of initial technology / content.
- Review of technical processes / procedures to support centre requirements.
- Data Management / Back up process.
- Development of new features based on centre feedback.
External Consultant / QA
Responsible for the independent checking of QA of the following functions:
- Administration.
- Contract Management.
- Assessor / Internal Verifier functions.
- Follow assessment procedures.
- Provide consistent and accurate assessment decisions, planning and feedback to learners.
- Be aware of and follow the requirements of the appeals procedure.
- Maintain their occupational competence and update knowledge / skills to ensure robust delivery of qualifications.
- Liaise with the Internal Verifier to ensue high standards are maintained.
- Respond to feedback from Internal Verifier, external verifier and from “Learner voice” / learner reviews.
- Sign and agree learner contract.
- Agree a completion programme with the Centre and their Manager.
- Carry out all actions agreed with their assessor / tutor / Internal Verifier within agreed timescales
- Keep their own copies of submitted assessment methods (this will be done electronically for knowledge assessments).
- Take overall responsibility for the successful completion of the award.
Qualifications for centre staff
- Assessors – D32/D33 or A1 (Learning Disability Qualification optional not mandatory) or level 3 assessing qualification.
- Internal Verifiers – D32/D33 and D34 or A1 and V1 or level 4 quality assurance qualification.