What every L&D professional needs to know about e-learning
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What every L&D professional needs to know about e-learning

Published on November 6th, 2009

Towards Maturity is an independent, not for profit organisation with a passion for helping others to improve the impact of learning technologies at  work. The site provides access to a wide range of useful research, resources and case studies aimed at helping individuals and organisations wishing to introduce technology into their learning strategies.

Not surprisingly, the most popular download from the site is: ‘What every L&D professional needs to know about e-learning’ which is described as follows;

‘The free 20-page booklet, helps trainers to understand just how extraordinary the opportunities are for improving the impact, accessibility, flexibility, timeliness, cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness of learning and development interventions. And most importantly of all, it shows trainers how they can play a vital role in bringing this all about.’

We think everyone will find the site really useful and the booklet provides a good insight into how different organisations are integrating technology into their business.