Level 2 Award in Awareness of End of Life Care


The NCFE Level 2 Award in Awareness of End of Life Care (RQF) qualification is aimed at all learners in health and social care with an interest in end-of-life care and its impact on individuals.

Qualification No. Level Credit Value Awarding Organisation
600/4893/1 2 3

Qualification Overview

This online qualification has been developed in response to the Government’s End of Life Care Strategy – promoting high-quality care for all adults at the end of life. The purpose of this qualification is to guide and assess the learner’s knowledge and understanding of the care people receive at the end of life. It is also to ensure that this care is compassionate, appropriate and gives people choices in where they die and how they are cared for.

The potential job role for those working towards this qualification is a healthcare or domiciliary worker or healthcare assistant working in a hospice or a residential environment.

A total of 3 credits must be achieved to gain the qualification.

A learner must complete the mandatory unit to achieve this qualification.

All units are knowledge only.

Group M - Mandatory Units

Unit AO Ref. Title Level Credits
A/503/8085 EOL201 Understand how to work in end of life care 2 3

Topics Covered

Know different perspectives on death and dying.

Understand the aims, principles, and policies of end-of-life care.

Understand factors regarding communication in end-of-life care.

Know how to access the range of support services available to individuals and others.


Delivered and accessed online via EdgeWorks™ Care Academy.

Assessment marking and invigilation.

NCFE qualification certificate upon successful completion.

Online candidate support.

Learner records archived for future tracking and reporting.


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