Health and Safety Policy for Learners
EDGEWORKS recognises that under relevant health and safety legislation it has a legal duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all its learners and all others who may be affected by EDGEWORKS undertakings. Wherever reasonably possible, we are committed to ensuring continuous improvements in all aspect of health, safety and welfare.
It is EDGEWORKS policy to:
- Comply with all statutory demands and standards in the maintenance of a safe and healthy learning environment in which approved, safe systems of work are identified, assessed and correctly employed, whether on site or at a learners, place of employment.
- Ensure individual learners are aware of their respective health and safety responsibilities.
- Ensure, as necessary, safe access and egress to locations where the training and learning will be undertaken, together with suitable and adequate welfare facilities for all learners.
- Maintain own on-site procedures for the safe evacuation of the premises together with the access of first aid, ensuring that they are sufficient and well known to learners.
- Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to allow learners to undertake their activities in a safe fashion.
- Maintain and support effective health and safety administrative arrangements and other processes to allow and encourage full and effective communication on all aspects of learner health, safety and welfare with the client and/or learner.
- Conduct monitoring and measuring, including risk-assessments of the health and safety standards to confirm legal standards are met and wherever possible seek to improve on those standards.
- Ensure appropriate records and other health and safety related documents are maintained and regular reviewed to verify their content and confirm their current relevance.
- Encourage all learners to participate in the promotion of health and safety and assist in the development of a positive, pro-active attitude and relationship
- Recognise that additional steps may need to be taken in relation to younger Learners to ensure that they are fully aware of the appropriate health and safety risks, controls and good practices. Greater emphasis is placed on these both at induction training and throughout the learner journey.
- Ensure that health and safety, together with the well-being of staff, learners (irrespective of age group), contractors and visitors is of paramount importance, and positively aim to ensure the highest standards are being maintained. With these obligations and aims in mind, resources will be allocated accordingly.
(*Most of the EDGEWORKS delivery is digital first, computer based learning, delivered remotely.)