External Verifier visits and certification

The following procedure will detail what must happen before during and after an External Verifier visit.

The co-ordinating Internal Verifier must:

  • Prepare for the external quality assurance visit in line with the Centre Manager.
  • Check that the planning schedule has been completed to date and all relevant items are available for the external verifier.
  • Ensure that a certification record is completed for each learner being put forward for certification and that a certification record summary sheet is completed prior to external quality assurance where Direct claims status (D.C.S.) is not held for any qualification.
  • Retain copies of these after issuing the originals to the external verifier.
  • Feedback to Awarding organisation information from the assessment team.
  • Make arrangements for external verifier visits and ensure that room and computer are available to access Learner work, records and internal quality assurance records are available for each visit.
  • Retain a copy of the feedback for the Centre file.
  • Receive and retain a verifier report form for each external verifier visit and ensure that any action arising out of the visit is disseminated to the team and taken by the dates indicated.
  • On receipt of certificates, ensure that these are passed to learners and a record maintained.

Evaluation and review policy

Policies and procedures will be monitored, reviewed and evaluated to ensure the centre maintains the highest standard of quality assurance and meets the regulatory requirements of outside agencies.

Monitoring, reviewing and evaluating of policies will take place during an annual cycle, culminating in the final stage – the centre policies and procedures evaluation – which will feed into the centre quality assurance circle.

Monitoring, reviewing and evaluating, all aspects of delivery and management of Qualifications will take place on an ongoing basis i.e. learner voice will be sought after induction, by the Internal Verifier when interviewing the learner and a summative review will take place.

A monthly and annual evaluation will take place of the overall provision.

EDGEWORKS will review trends in responses to the assessment questions. If any questions are identified as “problematic” for learners, we will review against learning content and ensure there is no ambiguity, clarifying questions/content where appropriate.

External subject matter experts (SME) review learning modules against unit learning outcomes, ensure assessment questions are referenced within learning content, are mapped to unit assessment criteria as well as ensuring there are sufficient questions to meet the unit assessment criteria.

Clear information and guidelines will be provided to all staff and information bulletins on updating and changes will be distributed.

All members of staff will be encouraged to take part in this practice and documentation and systems will be available to ensure this takes place. Records of the process at each stage will be retained and filed.