Centre Communication
All communication of relevance will be made in writing to all team members. Wherever possible, this will be made via electronic communication (Email, Skype, Web Conference) and receipts and records will be kept. Relevant communication topics will include:
- Alterations to policies / procedures.
- Alterations to staff – roles / responsibilities and new staff.
- Alterations to the systems.
- New client / learners / contracts.
- Meeting notes.
- Quality Assurance documentation.
Continuous Professional Development of contract staff
Contract staff will be included in all formal review and training programmes. However, the requirement to remain and prove operational competence will remain the responsibility of the individual during contract reviews.
Occupational expertise requirements: Assessors
In order to be appointed and retained as an Assessor for the Qualifications in Health and Social Care/Child Care, individuals must demonstrate that they:
- Have identified and current expertise in Health and Social Care/Child Care relevant to the level of the Qualification they are seeking to assess.
- Have a relevant assessing qualification.
- Maintain a CPD record and keep themselves up to date with developments in Health and Social Care/Child Care practice.
- Have a thorough understanding of the Care Quality Commission Essential standards of quality and safety and can apply these to the workplace.
Occupational expertise requirements: Internal Verifiers
In order to be appointed and retained as an Internal Verifier for the Qualification, they must demonstrate that they:
- Have identified and current expertise in Health and Social Care/Child Care relevant to the level of the Qualification they are seeking to assess.
- Have a relevant quality assurance qualification.
- Maintain a CPD record and keep themselves up to date with developments in Health and Social Care/Child Care practice.
- Have a thorough understanding of the Care Quality Commission Essential standards of quality and safety.
IT and system process training
EDGEWORKS will provide I.T. and system process training to all staff at the following occasions:
- System go-live.
- As part of individual staff induction.
- When I.T. modifications / system processes are amended.
EDGEWORKS also run a client support help desk. This facility will be extended to all remote staff in the day-to-day use of the system.