Appeals and Complaints Process


The following procedure applies to all learners who feel that they have a legitimate reason to appeal against any decision made by a member of the EDGEWORKS Awarding Body Registered Centre.

Action the learner must take:

  • Discuss with The internal verifier the nature of the issue being raised.
  • If the matter cannot be resolved at this level the Centre Manager will intervene and attempt to find a resolution to the issue being raised
  • If the matter cannot be resolved at this level then the learner is to appeal in writing to
  • Another qualified assessor (the “Appeals adjudicator”) will be appointed to investigate the appeal.
  • The learner maintains the right to appeal to the Awarding Organisation of they choose to.
  • A successful appeal does not mean that the learner is competent; a re-assessment may be needed to prove this.

Records of appeal will be kept in the appeals file.

The learner’s right to appeal is contained in all Awarding Organisation learner books.


EDGEWORKS expect all learners to have a positive experience, but recognise that, at times, this may not be the result. The company expects all reasonable steps to be taken to ensure that learners are dealt with, with courtesy, respect and professionalism at all times. If the learner is not satisfied, this should be discussed at the earliest opportunity to prevent the situation escalating. If, after an informal discussion with their assessor / tutor or their Internal Verifier, the learner wishes to make a formal complaint, this must be done, in writing, within 5 working days and addressed to the Internal Verifier

They will then investigate the circumstances and meet with the learner to feedback, within 10 working days of the receipt.

A written record of the complaint, the investigation and the initial outcome should be maintained and forwarded to the Centre Manager.

The outcome of the complaint may be as follows;

  • Complaint upheld and resolved.
  • Complaint upheld and unable to resolve at this level (This will be referred to the Centre Manager for further investigation).
  • Complaint not upheld (This will be referred to the Centre Manager for further review and investigation if required).

Any complaint forwarded to the Centre Manager will be investigated further and a written response will be given within 5 working days.

If the learner remains unsatisfied with the decision at this stage and this procedure has been exhausted, then the learner can contact the awarding organisation.

The awarding organisation should only be contacted when this procedure is FULLY exhausted.