Advance Housing and Carewatch choose Care Academy
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Advance Housing and Carewatch choose Care Academy

Published on October 5th, 2009

In recent weeks both Advance Housing and Support and Carewatch have chosen to purchase EdgeWorks™ Care Academy to help them deliver their regulatory and compliance training.

Advance Housing and Support

Advance, based in Witney, West Oxfordshire provide housing, support and employment advice to people who have either a learning disability or mental health problems.

Faced with the need to provide specific learning disability training to key staff, Advance reviewed the market and decided Care Academy was the most cost-effective and efficient solution. Our City & Guilds accredited learning disability qualification (LDQ-IA) provides the option to enrol staff immediately, ensuring they are able to complete their qualification in a timely manner at their own pace.

Carewatch (Kingston upon Thames)

Carewatch is one of the leading providers of care and support to people in their own homes throughout the UK. With 127 franchised offices and 11 company owned ‘best practice’ centres the company supports a wide range of groups including, elderly people, children with special needs, people with physical or learning disabilities and individuals with mental health problems.

Carewatch franchise owner, Veronica Miller purchased Care Academy to assist with delivering Common Induction Standards training, stating,

“I have looked through a few of the demonstrations.  I like what I see.  It is thorough, with current and relevant information.  Similar to the information I would be putting together if I was running a training course.  I also did some of the questions with right and wrong answers and like the way it makes you stop and consider the right answer.”

Not only will Carewatch benefit from high quality training, but they will also be able to take advantage of the robust candidate tracking and management reporting (on-demand) to assist with future Care Quality Commission inspections.

To find out more about Care Academy please call 0330 995 0840 or complete our online form.